(only on the event/somente no evento)
The event already finish, so hurry to get yours!/O evento já acabou, então corra para pegar o seu!
Too sexy party
Hair/cabelo (not free) - Chichikie
Poses (not free) - Glitterati
Welcome to this blog, here we show free and not free itens and what we like to use in SL. We don´t follow a special standard, we have our own style and you can like or not. Anyway I hope you have fun ^^. Bem vindos a este blog, aqui nós mostramos itens free ou não e o que nós gostamos de usar no SL. Nós não seguimos um padrão especial, nós temos nosso próprio estilo e vc pode gostar ou não. De qualquer maneira queremos apenas que vc tenha diversão ^^.
White Angel
Dark Angel
Hair - January3 subscribe gift - Chichikie (Thanks Chiana Meredith!)
Skin - .:oOo* Eternity *oOo:. group gift (check in notices) (Thanks Towa Lax!)
Dress - new lucky board prize - S@bbia (Thanks sable99 Magic!)
Boots - group gift - DV8 (touch the board with group tag activated) (Thanks Vasha Martinek)
Poses - Fence subscribe gift - Glitterati There aren't history notices, join to get next gifts and updates (Thanks Katey Coppola!)
¬§§¬ xChrisx ¬§§¬
Dress - group gift Lelutka (check in notices)
Skin with tattoo - subscribe group gift - Amacci
Hair - freebie - Amacci
Shoes - SAH GIRLZ #158 - MB Creationz
Jacket - group gift Lelutka (check in notices)
Skin with tattoo - lucky chair - Nikita Fride
Hair - SAH BOYZ #2 - MADesigns
Glasses - SAH UNISSEX #17 - KreaM
Skins - Belle and Sebastian FROSTY #19 - Moulliez
Necklaces - SAH #138 BOYZ - Demotik
Hair - (her) SAH #135 GIRLZ - NOSOTR@S
(him) hair with hat (there are more options of hairs) SAH #2 MADesigns
Outfit - (her) FROSTY #27 - TSD
Boots - SAH #138 GIRLZ - Demotik
gloves SAH #20 - Concrete Flowers
(him) JFTG #16 - Balani
Belt SAH #6 men - Rfyre Outfits - 1L - Dany French
Shoes - SAH #46 - Cacao
Hair (her) MM - Chichickie
Skin (her) - january2 Cupcakes group gift - check in notices (100Lfee)
Skin (him) - group gift - touch the board wearing the group tag - Flirt