::: Mashooka ::: Pick reward gift

Add Mashooka Designs in your profile picks, back after 24h, touch the board and you'll receive this wonderful gown as a gift/Adicione a loja Mashooka Designs nos seletor do seu perfil, retorne após 24h, toque no painel e você receberá este vestido maravilhoso de presente.

:Mashooka: Emery {metalblue}

Thank you very much, Aradhana Voight!!!
Mashooka Designs


Hair/cabelo - Audacity freebie pack at Savoi hair
Heels/sandália - New Year's Eve Group gift (touch the board with group tag activated/toque o painel com a tag do grupo ativada) - *YS&YS*
Skin - (*FS*) Skin/Maya Prototype (Glamour) group gift (touch the gift boxes with group tag activated, a long time available...they must be removed so hurry/toque as caixas de presentes com a tag do grupo ativada, tudo presente de Natal e a dona deve removê-los em breve, portanto se você ainda não pegou, corra!) - Free Speerit
Poses - subscribe gift - Striking poses (already posted)

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