Because I love Sn@tch!

I think great part of my inventory belong to Snatch lol, always you can find something you like. This fact is the main thing because I love this store and Ivey .
Please visit here to see second Part of this post, I divided in both blogs ^^
Eu acredito que grande parte do meu inventário pertence a Snatch lol, sempre você pode encontrar alguma coisa que goste, esta varieadade é o principal motivo de eu adorar esta loja e Ivey.
Visite por favor aqui para ver a segunda parte deste post, eu dividi em ambos blogs ^^.

Dress/Vestido: Sn@tch Twisted Velvet (Wear & Click)
Boots/Botas: Sn@tch Platform Gooshers (Wear & Click)

Dress/Vestido: Sn@tch Amoeba En Pointe (Wear & Click)

Sweaters: Sn@tch Skin Deep Sweaters (Wear & Click)


Hair/Cabelo: *TRUTH* Naomi [Reds 1/Dark Tips]
                     >TRUTH< Morgan >reds 1<

Skin: *CUPCAKES - Limited Edition Daydream Skin - December

Thank you very much Ivey Deschanel

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