Domination Hunt!

Opening The Dominion Femdom Fetish Shoppes, so in order to celebrate a hunt! Look for small gold apples hidden in and around the boutiques in both SIMs. Until 07/12. Good Hunt!

Abertura da The Dominion Femdom Fetish Shoppes, então para comemorar umja caçada! Procure por pequenas maças douradas escondidas dentro e em torno das lojas em ambos SIMs. Até dia 12/07. Boa caçada!

The Domination Fashion District
The Dominion Femdom Fetish Shoppes

Lingerie: B&C-Bonnie & Clyde - Caprice in light yellow
Pose: Something Spunky - Domme Stills
Background: All credits to Adam Chilsom

Pants/Calças: " A la Folie" top et pant jeans
Top: TD - Flower Shirt - black
Boots/Botas: Eva Bella "Bow" Chinese Red

Dress/Vestido: "AlaFolie" rose plissee

Outfit/Roupas: ! RFyre Severage Unisex Laytex Cobalt
Shoes/Sapatos: Coquette Noir: Stunner (my first good shoes in SL)

Dress/Vestido: Dominion Golden Apple-Agnes Finney
Bikini/Biquini: FAB.PONY Elika Bikini (Apple)
Boots/Botas: Vinyl Cafe - Red & Black Goth Laced Boots (Boxed)
Outfit/Roupas: Riviera Couture Hunt
Shoes/Sapatos: petite Conquette Noir: Stunner

This week I intend to change layout in my blog, I have problems with pictures and I couldn´t solve yet. So in feeds the images are ok, so sorry, soon I will solve this.

Esta semana eu quero trocar o layout, está me dando uam dor de cabeça a postagem de imagens, nos feeds aparece ok, mas no meu blog eu sou obrigada a diminuir, ainda não consegui resolver, mas pretendo ajeitar tudo esta semana, me perdoem.

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